April 21, 2017

PACETIMES – Department of Civil Engg. – Newsletter – Issue 1

    PERI IT civil department initiates the idea of bringing in the collective thoughts and latest updates as a newsletter. In effort to that students, staffs and HoD of civil department put in their collective efforts to release PACETIMES – Newsletter – Issue 1.

    A copy of newsletter has been presented to Our COO Mr. SASIKUMAR VEERARAJAN and by our Principal Dr. PALSON KENNEDY, HoD – Civil Mr. MAGESH, and staff members and students.

    Click here to download PACETIMES Volume - 1


    Head of the Department: Mr MAGESH.B
    Chief Editorial Head: Mr VIGNESH.M, & Mrs NAMITHA JACOB - AP/ CIVIL

    Student Coordinators:

    1. VEERABAGHU VENKATESH.M - Civil 3rd year
    2. KALEEL.J - Civil 3rd year
    3. ESTHERMETILDA.J - Civil 3rd year
    4. ANIRUDHAN.R - Civil 2nd year